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Roxie Rose  

Meet Roxie Rose

Meet Roxie Rose, the pint-sized powerhouse and head of security at MadeByShape.

As head of security, Roxie offers a compelling reason for clients to choose Shape — "because I'll fight you if you don't". Outside of her security duties, Roxie goes to play centres, enjoys trampolining, indulges in treats, and watches her favourite shows like Mr Tumble. Her aspirations? Well, she simply wants to be tall when she grows up.

Show random fact
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Food: Scrambled Egg
Favourite Character: Mr Tumble
Favourite Animal: Lion

What do you bring to the team?

I think I'm 50% funny and 50% crazy. There are no boring days when I'm around.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Going to Charlie Park, which is a play centre near my house. Trampolining, eating, watching Mr Tumble and going to the ice cream shop.

What do you want to be when you grow up?


Why should clients choose to go with Shape?

Because I'll fight you if you don't.

Is there any other reason?

Yes, Jo and Ella are both fantastic at baking cookies and cakes. Send your request in, and I'll save you some if you're lucky.

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