3 min read

8 Tips For Boosting Your Website’s Performance

Caution! This article is 6 years old, and our opinions may have changed.

In the modern era, websites can make or break the success of any venture or organization. Making a success of a website is potentially difficult, costly and time consuming but its importance can’t be stressed enough. Making sure your website performs well is a very specific task with a whole range of possible avenues to explore in achieving it. So, with that being said, here are a few ways in which you can go about improving your website’s performance.

1.  Pick A Good Website Host

perform. Cheaper web hosting options will result in websites prone to slow loading times, missing graphics, bugs etc. “People in a hurry will use shared web hosting, meaning that they share things like disc space with other sites on the same site. But this usually isn’t going to be a good way to ensure prime performance”, says Michael Altek, web developer at State Of Writing and Revieweal. If you are considering SEO, site performance, improving bounce rate etc etc then we advise opting for something more expensive, like VPS or dedicated website hosting. Yes it costs more, but the performance will be much better. Andy was recently interviewed by Leah Evans about hosting and how we setup MadeByShape.

2.  Page Layout

How your page is laid out will affect the speed of the page, optimization and the usability. A poor layout is something which sits on a spectrum, so even if you think your website is aesthetically pleasing there could be more to do to ensure that it is actually optimal for your purposes. There should also be an attention to consistency, ensuring that each webpage adheres to an overarching structural system and that navigation to and from pages should be regulated and easily accessible.

3.  Font Control

It can be tempting, in your efforts to create a dream website, to use a whole range of interesting fonts, text colors and different sizes. Font actually has an enormous impact on website usability and optimization. The majority of websites you visit, particularly for business, contain much more text than you realize. If there are constant alterations to text factors it slows the website down massively and might even make it impossible to use on mobiles and other tablets.

4.  Mobile and Tablets

 To that last point, a major consideration for the modern webpage is how often the page will be viewed on a device other than a desktop or laptop computer. “We use our mobiles to browse the web a massive amount these days,” claims Alexander Bouchier, tech writer at BestBritishEssays and UK Writings. It is of paramount importance that your website is not just mobile-friendly but mobile optimized. Some people’s whole experience of your site will be on mobile or a tablet.

5.  Well Written Content

Having well written content has obvious benefits and more subtle ones two. On the one hand, well written content ensure engagement from your viewer and assures professionalism. On the other hand, it allows you to minimize the volume of text needed on your website which can increase loading times. Writing well is easier said than done, so sites like Academized, EliteAssignmentHelp and Paperfellows can be of great help when getting started. Check those tools out to guide you to the best possible written website content.

6.  Focus Group It

Optimizing your website’s performance relates entirely to the experience that a user may or may not have on your site. If you have specific concerns, the most effective method to handle them is to run tests. And the truest test results will come to you by testing it on average users without their realizing what you are testing for. Run a focus group to see where work needs to be done.

7.  Use Cloud-Based Monitoring

The cloud is becoming an extremely powerful tool in the tool kit of an online professional. Cloud-based monitoring allows you to set up your website with peace of mind that it is being taken care of and that, were there to be a problem, you would be able to intervene from wherever you are, whenever you need to.

8.  Video Optimization

This is a crucial element, particularly in the modern age. Videos can work to give your website an ultra-finished feel, but they can also cause a whole load of issues with page speed and optimization. Consider how you want to embed these elements and what 3rd person hosting is needed whether it be YouTube or Vimeo.


It’s actually not all that hard to get better website performance, and the benefits are huge for your business. It requires a bit of financial investment, but mainly a willingness to research and assess what needs to be done and how to go about doing it. And don’t forget, everything can be improved - even if you already have a good website.

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