3 min read

Benefits of having an office dog

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Caution! This article is 5 years old, and our opinions may have changed.

Not only are dogs great companions at home but more people are bringing their dogs to work and this creates great benefits to the workplace. Office dogs help reduce employee stress, boost office morale, promote productivity, help improve communication, encourage a healthier lifestyle, improve employee retention and workplace can appear more attractive to prospective employees.

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Dogs help reduce stress and boost office morale

According to research from VetHelpDirect, 90% of UK pet owners say owning a pet makes them happy and 88% feel pet ownership improves their overall quality of life. As we all know work can be stressful at times, especially when you have a tight deadline. Having a dog in the office creates a calmer and friendlier atmosphere. Health Magazine reveals the science behind our stress-busting friends: ‘Petting a dog for just 15 minutes releases the feel-good hormones serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin, and lowers the stress hormone cortisol’. Dogs also create a comfortable work environment that helps to counterbalance any employee retention. They also give unconditional love and affection and this can boost office morale. So if you're feeling stressed or sad, just a quick pat or cuddle with the office dog can ease these burdens.

Do dogs promote workplace productivity?

Having an office dog can be distracting and time consuming. A lot of the time they want lots of attention and cuddles, need walks for potty breaks and they may get up to mischief by going in bins or chewing furniture, but if you have a good puppy that sleeps and behaves then the benefits outweigh the negatives. Shockingly, only 62% of workers are engaged at work but Entrepreneur Magazine says you can help increase productivity by going pet-friendly! It allows employees to take small breaks which helps recharge and refresh their mind. A happier less stressed workplace, is a productive workplace.

Dogs improve office lifestyle and communication

Dogs need to be taken outside regularly which can be annoying at times but it can make you more energised and healthier. An office dog can also improve communication within the workplace and our visiting clients. They can help people relax, feel more upbeat and they create an easy way to initially interact with someone if they find it difficult to introduce themselves. Some clients though are scared of dogs. In this scenario we would keep the dog separate and only introduce the dog if the client is comfortable. Overall, here at MadeByShape we are a dog friendly office and we welcome and encourage our clients to bring in their dogs. So don’t be shy and bring yours along too!

5 of our clients Dog-friendly workplaces

  1. Inside Out Contracts team have a dog called Stanley. 
  2. Jordan Stachini, Head of Marketing at Alliance Investments, has a sausage dog called Coco.
  3. Lemon Yellow team have a little dog called Annie. 
  4. Elspeth Biltoft from Rosebud Preserves works from the farm with her three lovely dogs.
  5. The Plough may not have a dog of their own but they cater and accommodate dogs at their bed and breakfast.
Client dogs

Bring your dog to work

Research commissioned by Nestlé Purina shows that 42% of those aged 18-34 across the UK would like a dog-friendly workplace; 11% more than the national average. Two-fifths (39%) feel it would boost workplace morale while 15% say dogs in the office would make them feel that their company cares about their happiness.

I bring my dog Pebble into work time to time. She can be very hyper first thing coming into the office but once she says hi to everyone then she settles on the sofa or my lap and sleeps all day. I enjoy her company and it's better than her staying home alone or paying for her to stay at a doggy daycare. Overall I am happy and lucky to work in a dog-friendly office.

Bring your dog into work! #BringYourDogToWorkDay

I'm a web developer here at Shape but outside of that, I'm a hockey team captain.