1 min read

Slinky: The saviour of HTML email templates

Slinky Hero
Caution! This article is 8 years old, and our opinions may have changed.

If there's one thing that haunts most developers, it's custom email templates. The limitations of them can be a real struggle. This week I came across a Plugin for Sketch that has changed my life. Ladies and Gentlemen, please meet Slinky.

From the Developer Finch, Slinky allows you to take a design you have created in Sketch and export it into an inline HTML template, ready to drop into your site at the click of a button.

Grid structure

One of the main frustrations when building email templates is the fact you have to use table elements to create any sort of structured layout. Slinky takes this into consideration and the end results is a pixel perfect template of your email template design.

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Images and Icons

Another pain that usually comes with the development of custom email templates is exporting images and icons for them. Slinky has got this covered! Simply make the images and icons exportable in Sketch, and as you export the template, Slinky creates them and stores them in an assets folder. Boom.


Finally, not part of the functionality of the plugin, but something worth mentioning is the list provided on the documentation of this plugin. Quick and easy reference to see what is available to use with email templating.

Now enough reading, go take a look and download this magnificent plugin.

I'm Tom, a Web Developer at Shape - when I'm not making slick Craft CMS websites, I'm usually eating Peanut Butter or riding my bike.