1 min read

Newspaper Coverage

Caution! This article is 14 years old, and our opinions may have changed.

Last week, Andy's dad noticed that we had been featured in the Leigh Journal Newspaper. In Thursday's (20th January 2010) edition, page 24. We have a 1/4 page feature surrounding our latest design work and the fact that we are now attracting big name clients. It's good to get noticed for the work we are putting in, especially close to your hometown, and everybody at Shape was chuffed to see the write up.

The title of the feature was..... "Designers make an impact". : )

The article touches on the local attributes like Andy and Jason attending Fred Longworth High School, then Wigan and Leigh College, Salford University and building up the studio from scratch to where it is today.

"Two school friends from Atherton have teamed up to make a major impact in the world of online and offline print design"

Here's a little link back to the Leigh Journal Newspaper website

Co-Founder of MadeByShape. Most of my blogs are about business related aspects, not just web design.