1 min read

New Studio - New Home

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Caution! This article is 14 years old, and our opinions may have changed.

OK, it's been a month now since we moved into the new studio, and it's safe to say - we've found our feet. Moving from central Manchester wasn't an easy decision, but our new home in Atherton, closer to our personal lives suits us down to a tee. It's quiet, the surroundings are great, and we have superb links to all the major motorways, and even have our own train station 5 minutes away.

Having Jamie in the studio full-time now enables Andy, Jason and India to communicate on projects face-to-face, helping him as he goes along and speeding things up. We're glad to have him on board, and are very pleased with his progress.

Just a quick message, and few images to show you here - but if you'd like to bob down for a brew and a biscuit drop us a tweet [@madebyshape](http://www.twitter.com/madebyshape)

Co-Founder of MadeByShape. Most of my blogs are about business related aspects, not just web design.