1 min read

Made by Sheep

Madebysheep Aprilfool
Caution! This article is 11 years old, and our opinions may have changed.


<img src="https://d6f6d0kpz0gyr.cloudfront.net/uploads/images/blog_Archive/madebysheep-aprilfool.png" alt="madebysheep-aprilfool.png" />

As well as [Google Tresure Maps](

), [Gmail Blue](

) and the [Nokia Microwave](http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57577270-93/april-fools-2013-from-twttr-to-google-nose-to-nokias-microwave/) - we pulled out own April Fools... and a few people on our Facebook page and Twitter fell for it...

We changed our name from Made by Shape to Made by Sheep for the day, complete with new illustrations and all the content on our website changed to sheep related jokes.

But we're not that crazy, it's not staying. We actually got the idea after a few people couldn't understand us saying Shape on the phone, and thought we were saying Sheep!

All good fun.

Co-Founder of MadeByShape. Most of my blogs are about business related aspects, not just web design.