2 min read

Inside the MadeByShape Studio Interior

The team go through a project with Mike
Caution! This article is 8 years old, and our opinions may have changed.

You all know that we are a Creative and Digital Studio in Manchester. But have you ever visited our studio? We think it's a pretty awesome place to work, the interior is 'delicious' and the people I work with are just bloody brilliant. Here's a look inside our studio ( our home from home ).

We've been in this studio for 6 years now and slowly but surely we've turned it into a place we love to work. We've gradually increase the size as we grew as a company and improved the interior along the way. From the wooden floor, to the small details of 3d prints and Lego figures - we love it all.

Our meeting room is now an environment where clients can come in and disucss projects with a biscuit and a brew. I love a bit of interior design and managed this project myself. I knew I wanted to keep the studio clean, and minimalistic just like our approach in web design.

Our desk workspaces are full of character, from Lego statues on Toms desk to Rubix cubes on Adams. Our studio is a place of comfort for our team members, and a friendly environment for potential clients to come and visit.

Inspirational quotes on the wall cut from vinyl, a simple kitchen area with A0 prints on the wall and comfy leather chairs are all part of the furniture here at Shape Web Design Studio Manchester.

There's no point in creating a studio to work in that doesn't include personal items. It needs to ooze personality and expose who we are as people. That's why we have included a photo wall which includes baby photos of the team, mixed with some awesome illustrations from various artists in the UK including Stan Chow and Mark Bird.

We design and build responsive websites on a daily basis, winning awards and recognition for our work in Manchester and worldwide clients. Obviously, we have iMacs and love Apple.

You can't have a web design studio without a bookcase from Ikea. Some people say that Ikea products are cheap and don't last long, but I'll be honest - we've never had an issue with them. There's a store in Warrington which isn't far from us but we could also get a delivery to our door which is convenient. Not all our furniture is from Ikea though, we have hand picked items specifically for our studio, including our plant area which was mainly sourced from Country Baskets in Astley.

If you'd like to pop in for a chat, a brew or to discuss a new project. Feel free to get in touch with us and arrange something convenient in the diary. Let us know what you think of our studio in the comments below.